5 Things You Might Not Know About Dogs

5 things you might not know about dogs
5 things you might not know about dogs (rawpixel.com / Freepik)

Whether they have long or short fur, are small or large breeds, with pedigrees or adorable mixed breeds, even the grumpiest person melts when they see a dog being playful, especially if it’s an awkward puppy.

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The dog, internationally known as “man’s best friend,” didn’t earn this title for nothing. These animals were probably the first to be domesticated by humans: this love began about 12,000 years ago when dogs started being domesticated in Europe and the Far East from two different populations of wolves.

Since then, domestication has led to the emergence of a wide variety of breeds: it is speculated that there are more than 300 breeds worldwide. According to the Pet Brasil Institute census, our country alone has over 58.1 million ‘doggies.’

Veterinarian and coordinator of the Veterinary Medicine course at Faculdade Anhanguera, Juliana Dias Martins, says that dogs are excellent companions for humans, from childhood, developing a sense of responsibility and care in children, to our adult life, keeping us company.

“During the pandemic, many people decided to adopt pets, which is wonderful. However, it is important to remember that dogs and other animals are beings that need affection, care, and attention. Therefore, the decision to adopt a pet should be made responsibly,” she analyzes.

Below, the specialist lists some interesting facts that every pet parent should know about dogs.

Why do they make irresistible faces?

Your dog knows exactly how to get what it wants and deliberately makes irresistible faces. Researchers from the University of Portsmouth in the UK conducted a study using a device that analyzed the facial muscles of 27 dogs. The result showed that dogs who raised their eyebrows and widened their eyes the most were adopted faster from the shelter where they were waiting for an owner. It is believed that this behavior was also common among wolves, their distant relatives – allowing them to be accepted by humans – and it is retained in dogs’ memory. Another study conducted by Howard University in the US indicated that dogs developed muscles around their eyes and snout, which over thousands of years of evolution, reinforced bonds and communication with humans.

Why do they spin before lying down?

No, your dog is not crazy. This behavior is inherited from their ancestors, the wolves, and is simply a defensive measure against predators. By spinning, dogs can sense the direction of the wind. They then lie down with their head facing into the wind so that if another animal detects the dog’s scent and approaches to attack, the dog will already be in a defensive position.

Dogs are intelligent

Scientists speculate that dogs have an intelligence comparable to that of a two-year-old human baby, being able to understand up to 250 words and some numbers. Additionally, any owner knows how clear and direct dog communication is: the dog knows very well how to show when it is hungry, thirsty, or wants something, developing effective communication methods.

Sharp senses and emotions

Dogs’ noses are similar to human fingerprints: they are unique, and no two dogs have the same nose. Moreover, dogs’ sense of smell is extremely sharp: they have up to 220 million scent cells – compared to only 5 million in humans. This ability allows dogs to even sniff out diseases in humans by detecting proteins that indicate conditions such as cancer and diabetes. Regarding vision, studies show that dogs can see subtle shades. Dogs can also suffer from depression! There is no specific age at which a dog may show this condition, and owners should be alert to symptoms similar to human depression. The animal often shows sadness and can even have physical symptoms, such as loss of appetite and lethargy. The condition can be triggered by the loss of a household member, changes in family structure, or by being left alone for long periods or having limited social interaction.

Why do they mark their territory?

This is natural behavior inherited from their ancestors. Typically, it is the male dogs that mark their territory the most, when they feel threatened (by another animal, for example) or disturbed (by noise, construction at home, or other external factors). Territorial marking urine is usually shorter and has a stronger odor compared to regular urine.

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